Setup meeting before starting

Setup meeting before starting

In cases where you want to pre-setup a meeting before inviting participants you can start a meeting in draft mode. Draft mode is available for all meetings.

Draft mode is useful for:
  1. Populating with tasks a planning poker session for the team to estimate.
  2. Preparing a retrospective activity at your own pace.
To start a meeting in draft mode, you will need to be on your Team O'clock dashboard and click the plus button on the agile ceremony of your interest.

Clicking the plus button, the meeting wizard modal will open. Select the team or participants of choice and move to the Schedule step of the wizard.

Choose the Draft option and click Finish.

Now your meeting of choice has started in Draft mode. Participants are not notified yet, but you can see the meeting listed as in progress on the respecting list, marked with a draft tag.

You can access the meeting and set it up. A meeting in draft mode will display the draft tag on the top left corner.

When you are ready setting up your meeting, click the Start button to invite participants.
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