Team management

Team management

To view all of a team's members as well as to edit the team you can click on the team settings link.

From the team details page you can add and remove members to the team, update the team's name and customise the meetings and features that this team is using.

Member participation (Chickens & Pigs)

You can customize member participation in the meetings by using the hand icon toggle next to
each member.

Participants can vote in planning poker sessions and add notes in the daily standup (e.g. the Development team), whereas non-participants can facilitate the meetings but not take part in it (e.g. the Product Owner).

Customize options

Each team has a dedicated set of options to modify to its needs. Any adjustments to these options will only affect the specific team. Options are available under Event settings.
For almost all options provided there is a reset functionality to set values back to defaults.
Event customizations are available on Standard and custom plans only.

Customize the retrospective meeting

The available options for the retrospective meeting are about:
  1. Votes visibility while in voting step, to set whether you want votes to be visible in real-time as they are cast or not. The default value is off, so as to avoid biases.
  2. Notes anonymity during the meeting. The default option is off so that all participants can ask for clarification questions on a note a specific member.
  3. Visibility of action items on Slack or Microsoft Teams if you are using one of these integrations.
  4. Maximum votes per member, where you set how many votes each member is able to cast on notes added in retrospective.
  5. Retrospective expiration days, where you set the number of days you want the retrospective to span.

Customize the standup meeting

The available options for the standup meeting are:
  1. Modify the standup questions, to match your specific team's needs.
  2. Setup synchronous standup meeting duration, to adjust the optimal meeting duration for your team.
  3. Setup asynchronous standup meeting timeout, to change the time of your asynchronous meeting.

Customize planning poker

Using the provided input box you can change the planning poker values to the ones that fit your team's needs. Simply add values comma separated.
You can add text as planning poker values using mapping, for example, to set values as T-Shirt sizes you should write them down as:

If you are using Slack, you can also define who will be able to close voting on an item you added.

Team mood question

On the team details page, you can enable or disable a mood question for the team. By default, this is enabled and you can change it using the respecting checkbox option Collect team mood ratings during meetings.

Read more about the Team mood question.

Set video URL for meetings

Using the team details page you can set a Video URL that your remote team can use during team meetings. By default, Team O'clock supports the

You can also setup the Video URL while you are in the meeting.

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