

You can access your timeline using the top menu option. In this page you can see a history of all the meetings you and your teams have participated in.

For each list item you see, from left to right the date it started and its title, on the right side you see its duration and how many participants joint this meeting.

Clicking on an item you can see more details about the specific meeting or session.

Viewing a retrospective meeting

Clicking on a retrospective meeting you can see an overview for the specific meeting as seen in the image below.

You can click on an action item to mark it as complete and click again to mark it as open.

There is an option to export meeting details so that you can use them elsewhere and an Edit option to update or change the meeting name and add or modify the action items, in case something new popped after or changed after the meeting was complete. Exporting option supports the PDF file format.

In case there are more retrospective meetings for the same team you can see the next and previous navigation options right above the retrospective name.

Viewing a standup meeting

Clicking on a standup meeting from the meetings list on the main timeline you can see details about that specific standup meeting, as seen below.

In case the team has added notes during that specific standup they will also be visible as a list.

If the team is performing an asynchronous standup then all member notes will be visible in three columns as seen below.

There is an option to export meeting details so that you can use them elsewhere. Exporting option supports the PDF file format.

In case there are next or previous standup meetings for the same team you can see navigation option right above the standup name.

Viewing a planning poker session

In this view you can see a summary of the planning poker session, with some more data about votes allocation for participants. You can also see a full list for all the planning poker voting and all participants vote allocation per item.

There is an option to export session details so that you can use them elsewhere. Exporting option supports the PDF file format.

In case there are next or previous planning poker session for the same team you can see navigation option right above the session date. You can also use the keyboard left and right arrows to navigate to previous or next planning poker session.
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